Three islands, three entities, one nature management organization
Nature in all its diversity
From cloud forest and salt domes to coral pillars. Each of the three islands of Saba, St Eustatius and Bonaire not only has its own population, culture, language and administration, but the differences in their natural environments are just as big as those between the Wadden Sea and the hills of Limburg.
By Baud Schoenmaeckers and Maartje Smets
The diversity of natural wealth is as large as the cultural and administrative differences among the three islands. "But there is good collaboration in the area of nature management", says Kalli De Meyer, the director
of the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA). "A good example for the administrative bodies of the islands", she adds with a wink. DCNA is the umbrella organization of nature parks on the former Antilles and Aruba and it supports park management, promotes sustainable policy, and educates and instructs. Queen Beatrix is the patroness of the organization, which has been a beneficiary of the Postal Code Lottery since 2008 (...)