Floriade Dialogue quotes

Tijdens de gehouden Floriade Dialogues zijn tal van sprekers aan het woord gekomen, onder meer over gedrags- verandering en gezond voedsel. Change Magazine selecteerde opvallende quotes.


"Light+Soil+Water = Wealth."
Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, President of the European Water Forum at the European Parliament in Brussels

"Every man must eat, just as we need to breathe and sleep. This makes food and even more so the way we eat a powerful tool for permanent change."
Frances Moore Lappé , Author, and cofounder of three organisations, including Food First

"The largest portion of a water footprint comes from the field, not the factory."
Jan Burger, Environmental Sustainability Director of Coca-Cola Europe

"Horticultural products are also a source for medicine, health care, energy and clean products. So they can contribute to a more sustainable society."
John Boon, Head Designer at Floriade 2012

"Metropolitan agriculture and agroparks: keystones for sustainable development in agriculture and food security."
Madeleine van Mansfeld, Ecologist with the Landscape Systems team at Alterra

"Reintroduce water in the city with new ways of storing rainwater through the introduction of green and underground areas."
Piet Dircke, Global Director of Water Management Arcadis

"Redefine the quality of food products to reduce waste."
Tristram Stuart, Winner of the International Environmental Award, The Sophie Prize 2011

"Green matters: green is an urban establishment factor."
Charlotte Buys, Senior Designer at the City of Amsterdam Planning Department

"The level of pesticides and fertilisers in our water is above the norm for good water. The task for growers is to reduce these levels."
Ellen Beerling, Senior Researcher at Plant Research International (PRI), Wageningen University

"An enabling environment and enough new arable land are key to food security and production."
Hans Biemans, Head of CSR Business Development at Rabobank Nederland

"Adapt response to local conditions to cope with water scarcity."
Jippe Hoogeveen, Technical Advisor at the Water Development and Management Unit, FAO

"Malmös parks are its identity."
Arne Mattsson, Deputy Head of the Streets and Parks Division of the City of Malmö

"More supply-chain collaboration is needed to strengthen international trade networks and agrologistics management."
Jack van der Vorst, Professor of Agricultural Logistics and Operations at Wageningen University

"The future of natural resources lies to a large extent in the hands of land managers. Final decisions on resource management are taken at local level."
Ana Rocha, Policy Advisor at the European Landowners Organisation